More companies than ever before are dealing with remote working due to the challenges presented by Covid-19. An increasing number of employees and managers are now working apart from one other. Managing remote teams comes with its own set of challenges and requires different support practices. As a business, creating and communicating clear guidelines and building performance expectations to embrace remote schedules is important. Below are a few things you can do to set employee expectations for remote work.
Utilize a Variety of Communication Channels

Communication plays a significant role in ensuring the success of a remote working model. Everyone in the organization needs to be easily reachable during work hours. Think about the tools that will allow your team to communicate daily. Emails might work in certain situations, but when it comes to time-sensitive matters, they might not be enough. Use shared workspaces and collaboration tools that allow quicker communication.
Other than work communication, remote workers also miss out on interactions with their teammates. A social communication platform that will encourage virtual employee interactions will also be needed. This platform can keep everyone on the team on the same page, provide essential team updates, and even discuss hobbies with teammates.
Daily Check-Ins
Establish a structure that allows managers to check in with their team members on a daily basis. This can be achieved through daily phone calls, team calls, or any other way that supports your team structure. Having structure and routine is an essential part of healthy working. The motive behind daily check-ins is to ensure that managers and team members feel connected. This will also encourage collaboration and allow team members to discuss their questions and concerns with managers.
Establish Clear Expectations for Remote Working
An effective way to encourage productivity is by shifting the company’s culture to one that is results-oriented. Rather than focusing on how many hours remote employees put in, focus on results and outcomes. This will encourage employees to work independently and remain accountable. Establish clear expectations and goals so employees know what they need to do. This will give them the motivation they need and will increase their work satisfaction levels.
Provide Support and Motivation
Since many organizations have had to abruptly shift towards remote working, it has resulted in anxiety and stress among employees. It is crucial for managers to take the time to listen to the concerns of employees and provide them with the support they need to make the transition easier. Be open and ask questions that will allow you to understand how employees cope with their work situation. Listen carefully to their responses and come up with a strategy to provide them with the support they need to adjust.
Build Team Spirit
Social isolation is another big challenge presented by remote working. Working alone at home can result in feeling disconnected and affect the work and mental health of employees. Establish a clear strategy for fostering engagement and connectivity through onboarding processes and virtual team-building sessions. Schedule time on a regular basis for virtual team meetups and events that will make the employees feel connected to the company’s culture.
VOC Associates
Setting clear expectations for remote working will help keep teams confident, happy, and productive. With the right technology, tools, and processes, it is possible to make the most of a remote work setting. The dental and medical equipment experts at VOC Associates understand the challenges of remote working. Contact us today or visit our website to learn more about remote working!