Business owners or workers in top positions must have proper team leader skills to set an example for their teammates. Subordinates look to them for advice and direction, so it pays to be ready with the qualities that inspire others to perform well in a workplace. Here are five traits that make an effective workplace leader.


Leaders serve as the company’s voice. They must have good communication, in addition to their team leader skills, to share information within and outside the company. So, in a sense, they also serve as an intermediary between internal teams and external clients.

Good leaders can coordinate with employees through their team leader skills about what must be done. However, they must do so with confidence. People are most likely to listen to and follow a leader with team leader skills who knows what they are doing. That behavior will motivate them to believe that what the leader communicates with them is the right thing to do.


Since people look to leaders for motivation, leaders must display a positive attitude through their team leader skills. Such behavior will promote a healthy work environment. They should be able to remain positive, even and especially during difficult times.

Positivity boosts the workplace’s overall morale. People are more likely to approach their tasks positively, causing them to work more efficiently. They will also be more motivated to problem-solve when issues arise since they believe in their own abilities.


Leaders are responsible for empowering people to perform to the best of their abilities. While being positive is a passive form of motivation, leaders must also practice active forms. For example, leaders can recognize the great work that their subordinates are doing, which will motivate them to keep it up.

However, it may be important to note that not everyone appreciates public recognition. Should a leader implement similar forms of motivation, they must be sure that it suits their established company culture. They could modify this model to incorporate methods of private recognition instead, for example.


Leaders must always be open with the rest of the team about the state of the company. People are more likely to trust a leader who keeps no secret about their company’s goals. Good leaders must communicate these goals with relevant people openly and honestly. This behavior builds trust among team members, making everyone feel positive about moving forward.

Transparency ensures direction within the company. No one will be guessing what to do because the leader has made sure that everyone knows about the operations in place. With managers and employees knowing what must get done, a company can expect long-term success.

HumbleMan working in office

Although leaders must be visibly motivational and excellent in what they do, good leaders must remain grounded through their team leader skills. They must be self-aware enough to realize that they are just as human as the next employee. In other words, they are not perfect and can make mistakes. They need to own up to and move on from those mistakes.

Humility also involves appreciating other teammates’ contributions. Recognizing that others have strengths that they might not have themselves will inspire others to be more open about their abilities. Ultimately, everyone has something to contribute to the team and that doesn’t put anyone above another.

Conclusion: What Makes a Good Workplace Leader?

Good leaders must have attitudes and actions that inspire other people to do their best in the workplace. Among these attitudes are being communicative, positive, motivational, transparent, and humble. Business owners and managers must consider adopting and strengthening these behaviors to improve their team leader skills.

Looking for more workplace improvement ideas? Contact VOC Associates at (216) 496-6884 or visit our website today!

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