Business man having virtual team meeting on video conference call using computer. Social distance worker working from home office talking to colleagues in remote video conference online chat.Managing a remote team can come with its challenges. One way to stay on top of things is to establish regular check-ins. Check-ins help with communication, accountability, and managing projects. Daily check-ins can be done in person, via video call, or through messaging apps. Let’s explore the benefits and challenges of daily check-ins for remote workers.

Benefits of Daily Check-Ins for Remote WorkersBusiness man having virtual team meeting on video conference call using computer. Social distance worker working from home office talking to colleagues in remote video conference online chat.

There are several benefits of having daily check-ins with remote workers. Check-ins help to:


Communication is key in any work environment, but it can be especially challenging when team members are not in the same physical space. By having regular check-ins, team members can stay up-to-date on what everyone is working on and identify any potential roadblocks. These conversations also create an opportunity for open and honest feedback.


Speaking of feedback, regular check-ins provide a chance for managers to give employees real-time feedback on their work performance. This feedback can be given verbally or in writing, depending on what works best for the team. Either way, it’s important that employees know what they’re doing well and where they can improve.


Regular check-ins help to hold team members accountable for their work. If an employee is falling behind on a project or not meeting deadlines, a manager can address the issue during the next check-in. This way, employees know that their work is being monitored and that they need to be held accountable for their performance.

Project Management

Finally, daily check-Ins can help managers keep track of projects and ensure that they are on schedule. These conversations provide an opportunity to go over any updates or changes to the project plan. By staying on top of things, managers can avoid any unnecessary delays or setbacks.

Challenges of Daily Check-Ins for Remote WorkersStress while working remote on laptop from home office, freelance man annoyed and under pressure.

While there are several benefits to having daily check-ins with remote workers, there are also some challenges that should be considered. These challenges include:

Time Management

One of the biggest challenges with daily check-ins is managing time effectively. These meetings should be short and concise in order to avoid taking up too much time throughout the day. If possible, try to limit each meeting to 15 minutes or less. This way, team members can stay focused and engaged without feeling like the meeting is dragging on forever.

Scheduling Conflicts

Another challenge that should be considered is scheduling conflicts. With team members located in different time zones, it can be difficult to find a time that works for everyone involved. The best way to overcome this challenge is to use a scheduling tool like Calendly which allows team members to choose a time that works best for them.

Technology Issues

Technology issues can also be a challenge when holding daily check-ins. Whether it’s audio issues or problems with the video connection, there’s always a possibility that something could go wrong. To avoid any potential headaches, make sure everyone has tested their equipment beforehand and that you have a backup plan in place (e.g., switching to a phone call if the video connection isn’t working).

Are Check-Ins Necessary?

Overall, there are both benefits and challenges associated with having daily check-ins. By carefully considering these factors, you can decide whether or not this type of meeting is right for your team. When done correctly, it can be an excellent benefit to managers and staff alike. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not this type of work is right for your team.

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