It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has been driving the transition to remote working for many employees worldwide. Working from home obviously has many benefits (I’m looking at you commute time!), but new mental health challenges emerge from this form of work.
If you’re feeling burnt out, stressed, anxious, uncertain, or find yourself losing motivation, remember that you’re not alone, and it’s completely normal. Luckily there are strategies you can implement to help your mental health and to boost your motivation and productivity.
Create a Dedicated Space for Work
Remote working starts with creating a comfortable environment for you to work in. You want to create a quiet space, away from distractions (like your TV) and away from people that can steal your attention. Creating this space that is void of distractions will allow you to better focus on your work and, therefore, will enable you to complete more work.
As comfy as the sofa is, we recommend you avoid that and use a desk or table instead to support your posture better. Don’t stress if you don’t have an ergonomic chair at your disposal; cushions and pillows are great at making a wooden chair into a very comfortable chair for remote working.
It’s All in the Schedule
Remote working can often blur the line between work and play. It’s very easy to write that extra email, complete that additional task or work late to prepare for the next day. It’s essential to have a set schedule to force yourself to start and stop working.
When you’re scheduled to finish work, stop working. Create an alarm 30 minutes before you finish to remind yourself to start winding down for the day; this isn’t the time to start an extra task! In the morning, getting up at the same time, eating breakfast and getting ready will drastically reduce the chaos that the morning can bring.
There is always a balance to maintain when working from home. It’s very easy to fall into distractions like T.V. or social media and forget you are actually working. There are also additional distractions to be aware of that probably don’t exist in your office, such as children or pets.
Restrictions are your Friend
As bad as the word ‘restrictions’ sounds, having them in place will ensure that you accomplish what you want while remote working. Restrictions can be self-imposed such as setting time limits on social media apps on your phone, or they can be imposed on members of your household. As fun as having people around is, it’s important to let members of your home know when you need some time to work alone.
Don’t forget to enjoy the time at home and the joys that it can bring. Having restrictions in place is meant to create less stress, not more. If you’re finding yourself stressing over members of your household interrupting you, have a conversation with them and share your schedule with them.
Find More Support from VOC Associates
Implementing the above strategies will dramatically improve your remote working. Remember that it’s still a new form of work and that you’re not alone in taking it on for the first time.
For more information and advice on better managing your mental health, remote working tips, and other additional information, visit VOC Associates! We have compiled a collection of resources and other information to help you survive working remotely!